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15th March 2024

Dates For The Diary

Monday 18th March  

Y3 Cooking club 

Y5 & Y6 Art & Craft club – last session

Tuesday 19th March  

Y3 Service 9:40

Choir singing for Southwark Council 

KS1 Drama club – last session

Y2 Art & Craft club – last session    


Wednesday 20th March  

Reception eye test 1:00

KS1 Homework club – last session

KS2 Football club – last session

KS2 Drama club 


Thursday 21st March 

KS1 Multi-sports club – last session

KS2 Homework club – last session

Friday 22nd March

Holy Communion 10:00

KS2 Multi-sports club – last session

Boutcher Family

The Yellow Boutcher Family group won this week’s cup with 135 points. 

1st   Hope Yellow       135 pts

2nd  Honesty Green  116 pts

3rd   Love Red           104 pts

4th   Peace Blue        92 pts

Presentation Awards

Rec      - Ezrah

Year 1  - Wilfred

Year 2  - Ibrahim

Year 3  - Chali

Year 4  - Hana

Year 5  - Navya

Year 6  - Naomi

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Attendance of the Week

Highest attendance – Year 4

Lowest attendance – Year 2


World Book Day celebrations were a roaring success, we give thanks to our whole school community for the wonderful outfits, breakfast attendance, book swaps and parents reading to the classes.  


Following a visit by the Road Safety Officer two weeks ago, not only were our children given lessons on crossing the road safely, BUT further to a conversation with Mrs Verhoeven regarding the pedestrian crossing outside the school gate, technical faults have been identified and scheduled for repair, AND the crossing time has been extended during school drop off and collection times.


We break up for the Easter Holiday on Thursday 28th March 12:30 (latest collection1:30 sharp) returning to school on Monday 15th April. 

100% Spelling

Year 2 –   Ahmed, Alma, Aydin, Evan, Horonya, Jack, Joe, Josie, Jotham, Malachi, Matilda, Nephele, Nila, Nyriah-Jae, Sophie, Tadeo, Tias, Vanessa,

Year 3 – Harsh, Davina, Rose, Aamira, Sara, Raphael, Arsema, Moizelle, Anas, Eleanor

Playground Awards 

Rec      - Darby    

Year 1  - Andreas

Year 3  - Rufus

Year 4  - Liam

Year 5  - Osanna

Year 6  - Hannameel

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Pick of the Bunch

Rec       - Paul

Year 1   - Sadie

Year 2   - Nephele

Year 3   - Arielle

Year 4   - Minnie

Year 5   - Sofia

Year 6   - Maryam

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Hard copies of School Policies,

including Safeguarding are available from the office and can be read online.

Boutcher Church of England Primary School | 93 Grange Road, London, SE1 3BW | 020 7237 2149

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