15th November 2024
Dates For The Diary
​​Monday 18th November
Swimming - Y2
Dance club – Y2
Cooking club – Y3
Tuesday 19th November
Swimming - Y3
Drama club - KS1
Football club – Y5/6
Art & craft – Y5
Wednesday 20th November
Reading ambassadors trip to the British Library
Homework club - Y1/2
Dance club – Y1
Thursday 21st November
School tours – 10:00
Homework club – KS2
Multi sports – Y3/4
Friday 22nd November
Tower of London trip Y1
100% Spelling
Year 2 – Amani, Andrea, Zachary, Andreas, Noah, Ariam, Ava, Mathias, Wilfred, Blythe, Chloe, Deen, Etta, Yusef, Ivy, Judith, Lily, Lydia, Santiago
Year 3 – Ahmed, Alma, Dennie, Imogen, Jotham, Matthias, Nathan, Nephele, Nyriah-Jae, Renil, Sebastian, Sophie, Tadeo, Vanessa
Year 4 – Davina, Anas, Rufus, Ava, Eleanor, Rofiu, Aaliyah, Kwame, Imelda, Alex, Harsh, Dibabari, Aaliyah, Evangeline, Raphael
Year 5 – Ademola, Hana, Osarugue, Manhattan, Denilia, Oliver, Alvan, Charlotte
Year 6 – Scarlett (x2), Gabriel (x2), Michael (x2), Emily (x2), Sofia, Minaal, Ke Ren (x2), Howan, Dylan (x2), Isabelle (x2), Navya (x2), Sephorah (x2), Daniyal, Ethan, Raffaella
Playground Awards
Year 1 - Kyan
Year 2 - Zachary
Year 4 - Kwame
Year 5 - Denilia
Year 5 - Ekaete
Year 6 - Rania

Boutcher Family
The Blue Boutcher Family are the winners this week with 299 house points.
1st Peace Blue 299 pts
2nd Love Red 287 pts
3rd Honesty Green 272 pts
4th Hope Yellow 236 pts

Choose Respect
Anti-Bullying week certificate
Rec - Penelope & Layla
Year 1 - Greysen & Aisha
Year 2 - Deen & Noah
Year 3 - Jack & Sophie
Year 4 - Rose & Imelda
Year 5 - Yusra & Jonathan
Year 6 - Minaal & Hannah

On Tuesday 26th November school photographs will be taken, individual and siblings – please ensure your child is dressed in full school uniform on the day.
Any siblings looking for a reception class place in September 2025, please remember to complete a supplementary information form with the office.
​Please follow us on Instagram boutcher_ce_primary to see all the fun activities we participate in!​
KS2 Homework
comments of the week
Thank you for all the responses to this week’s question.
Well done to Betty in Year 5 and Ke Ren in Year 6 for your winning responses!
If you love reading, what would you say to someone who doesn't spend as much time with their head in a book? What's the best bit? How does reading make you feel?
If you are someone who needs to read more, what would encourage you?
I love reading because it can calm you down if you are feeling stressed or sad and also it can help you with your learning at school. When I have a book and I read in my head I try to imagine what the characters voices sound like and that makes me enjoy the book so much.I try to read as much as I can especially in comfy places like my bed or maybe on the beach. I would say to people who don’t like to read to try a book because you might actually like it and some books I would recommend reading is Nina Peanut is Amazing, Little Badman and the Invasion of the Killer Auntie, Vi Spy and The Girl Who Stole A Elephant
Betty (Y5)
I LOVE reading, it's like (as Hannah said) a movie, and the next second, you're eager to find out more. If you think that books are dull and just 'black and white', you're greatly mistaken. You might think that the start is boring but get to the dilemma, you find that you have to get to the next chapter. Over and over again. This has happened to me many, many times. It draws in your attention and this is the captivating way books catch your unsuspecting eye.
I would say to someone who doesn't really enjoy reading as much as me:
that they don't have to start with a big, chunky book. Instead, take a small tale that they think that they would enjoy.
Ask what movie or series they liked and recommend a similar story. After all, electronics are dominating the world - it's quite common for those not reading but instead playing games or watching something on the screen.
They can spend some free time going to a nearby bookstore or library so that they can embrace the world of reading and feel the magic in novels.
The best bit about books is probably (for me) the build-up. This is, however, a very hard choice as there are some exceptions. There may be a really exciting part in the dilemma, or a more peaceful part in the ending. I don't particularly like the ending as it means that the book is over, and I cannot fulfil myself until I find another book. The beginning is slightly uneventful and the resolution could be better. There were times where the dilemma was extremely unsettling and I wanted to close the book. The build-up means that it leads to the dilemma. This means that the scariness isn't at its peak, the book is far from over, and the key events start happening. In this case, this is just my opinion.
Ke Ren (Y6)
Presentation Awards
Rec - Fortune
Year 1 - Ariella
Year 2 - Lily
Year 3 - Yostina
Year 4 - Hazimah
Year 5 - Z|ionni
Year 6 - Elliot

Pick of the Bunch
Rec - Frankie
Year 1 - Tadhg
Year 2 - Leilani
Year 3 - Tias
Year 4 - Arsema
Year 5 - Oliver
Year 6 - Sofia

Hard copies of School Policies,
including Safeguarding are available from the office and can be read online.