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17th January 2025

Dates For The Diary

Monday 20th January

Art & craft club – Y1


Tuesday 21st January

Drama club - KS1 

Cooking club – Y6

Dodgeball club – Y4/5/6


Wednesday 22nd January

Height & weight measurement - Rec & Y6 

Homework club – Y1/2 & KS2

Dance club – Y3


Thursday 23rd January

Dance club – Y2

Bible studies club – Y3/4

Football club – Y2/3/4

Playground Awards 

Rec      - Ashanti

Year 1  - Greysen

Year 2  - Ivy

Year 3  - Nathan

Year 4  - Leo

Year 5  - Betty


Boutcher Family

The Yellow Boutcher Family are the winners this week with 141 house points. 


1st   Hope Yellow       141 pts

2nd  Honesty Green  137 pts

3rd   Love Red           136 pts

4th   Peace Blue        135 pts


Presentation Awards

Rec      - Theo

Year 1  - Olive

Year 2  - Sadie

Year 3  - Nila

Year 4  - Davina

Year 6  - Minaal


Pick of the Bunch

Rec      - Daniel

Year 1  - Ariana

Year 2  - Zachary

Year 3  - Binta

Year 4  - Leo

Year 6  - Elizabeth



Curriculum clubs start this week, if you haven’t yet paid for your child’s place, please do so via ParentPay, or cash to the office.  Thank you.


​Please follow us on Instagram boutcher_ce_primary to see all the fun activities we participate in!​

100% Spelling

​Year 4 – Akeem, Evangeline, Gemini, Rofiu, Arielle, Olivia, Eleanor, Rufus, Hazimah, Kwame, Connie, Ava, Imelda, Aamira, Alexandra


​Year 5 – Kimberly, Ademola, Arian, Zionni, Elsa, Clio, Osarugue, Ridwan, Troy, Akeesa, Jojo, Liam


​Year 6 – Ke-Ren, Michael, Osanna, Sofia, Rania, Emily, Dylan, Isabelle, Navya, Saskia, Freya, Gabriel, Jeremy, Minaal

KS2 Homework
comments of the week

Thank you for all your responses to the homework task explaining what you are most looking forward to in 2025. It was such a pleasure to read what you excited for and I’m pleased that we all have so much to look forward to! 


I have chosen one winning comment from each class this week so well done to Arielle, Ridwan and Isabelle for your winning comments. 


In 2025, I am looking forward to camping because I have never been before and I need to learn how to make a tent and also how to not be scared of the dark. I am also looking forward to going to Belgium to spend time with my mum’s aunty and baby cousin.

Arielle (Y4) 


I am looking forward to reading more and getting closer to my religion. I will try to make this one of the best years of my life. I hope I get into a good secondary school I would like to make my knowledge better and possibly become the smartest in our class. I would like to become better at sports and improve my written work.

Ridwan (Y5)


I’m really looking forward to finding out what secondary school I will be going to and what SATs score I'm going to get. I also hope that 2025 is going to be a happy and successful year, with lots of laughter and fun. I’m also looking forward to going to the Isle of Wight with my friends and going to Germany. I hope you achieve your goals and dreams this year and let’s all hope this year is a good year for each other! Let’s hope that no one gets ill or sick and let’s wish the best for our friends! I hope this year is a year we will enjoy together and that we cherish the memories we make in this year! By the way, make sure you test negative and keep positive :)

Isabelle (Y6) 

Hard copies of School Policies,

including Safeguarding are available from the office and can be read online.

Boutcher Church of England Primary School | 93 Grange Road, London, SE1 3BW | 020 7237 2149

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