31st January 2025
Dates For The Diary
Monday 3rd February
Y6 Trip to Guildhall
Art & craft club – Y1
Tuesday 4th February
Y3 Service – 9:40
Drama club - KS1
Cooking club – Y6
Dodgeball club – Y4/5/6
Wednesday 5th February
Admission to Holy Communion 3:30 – 4:30
Homework club – Y1/2 & KS2
Dance club – Y3
Thursday 6th February
Dance club – Y2
Bible studies club – Y3/4
Football club – Y2/3/4
Friday 7th February
Y5 service – 10:00
Playground Awards
Year 1 - Taika
Year 2 - Lydia
Year 3 - Nila
Year 4 - Eleanor
Year 5 - Jonathan
Year 5 - Inayah
Year 5 - Liam

Boutcher Family
The Blue Boutcher Family are the winners this week with 217 house points.
1st Peace Blue 217 pts
2nd Honesty Green 211 pts
3rd Hope Yellow 165 pts
4th Love Red 158 pts

Presentation Awards
Rec - Grace
Year 1 - Lucy
Year 2 - Henry
Year 3 - Teddy
Year 4 - Imelda
Year 5 - Liam
Year 6 - Jeremy

Headteacher's Awards
Rec - Wren
Rec - Rupert
Rec - Leo
Year 1 - Olive
Year 1 - Ariella
Year 1 - Taika
Year 1 - Freya B
Year 5 - Elsa
Year 5 - Ekaete
Year 5 - Adesola
Year 5 - Ademola
Year 5 - Ridwan
A reminder that we break up for half term on Friday 14th February and return to school on Monday 24th February.
​Please follow us on Instagram boutcher_ce_primary to see all the fun activities we participate in!​
100% Spelling
​Year 2 – Amani, Andrea, Blythe, Chloe, Deen, Harri, Hasset, Ivy, Judith, Lily, Lydia, Wilfred, Zachary
​Year 4 – Jacob, Akeem, Rofiu, Evangeline, Imelda, Aamira, Gemini, Davina, Anas, Chali, Eleanor, Raphael, Olivia
​Year 5 – Kimberly, Nile, Ademola, Arian, Zionni, Daniel, Elsa, Osarugue, Ridwan, Troy, Akeesa, Ethan, Manhattan, Precious, Jonathan, Liam, Oliver, Charlotte
​Year 6 – Navya, Sephorah, Daniyal, Michael, Minaal, Howan, Jeremy, Gabriel, Dylan, Emily, Hannah, Sofia
KS2 Homework
comments of the week
Thank you for your wonderful responses to last week’s task. It was great to hear who is an inspiration to you all.
A particular well done to Aaliyah and Rose, both in Year 4!
Why is it important that we continue to remember and celebrate brave people such as Martin Luther King Jr?
If we could celebrate someone else for making positive changes in society, who might it be and why?
It's important to celebrate people like MLK as he stood up for black people and based on what I've read and remember he is like Rosa Parks and he helped us be seen in society equal to white people and have the same rights as they do. He actively spoke up for what he believed in and his famous speech ' I Have a Dream....'
For someone today: Sir David Attenborough as I like his documentaries about animals. I think he helps us human appreciate animals. His documentaries are so interesting and the filmed really good as you can see really close up. He could help with animal extinction and help with positive changes to help save our planet.
Aaliyah (Y4)
I think it is very important that we continue to celebrate and remember brave people like Martin Luther King who fought for racial equality. I believe we should celebrate Ruth Bader Ginsburg (known as the notorious RBG) she became the second woman and first Jewish woman in the Supreme Court. RBG served 27 years on the highest court in the US, she dedicated her life’s work to women’ rights and fought for gender equality. She has many famous quotes but one of my favourites is “When I’m sometimes asked ‘When will there be enough [women on the Supreme Court]?’ and I say ‘When there are nine,’ people are shocked. But there’d been nine men, and nobody’s ever raised a question about that.” She died aged 87, still working, endlessly campaigning for gender equality, becoming a feminist and legal icon in her 80’s. We need more role models like RBG who use their strength and knowledge to show that women MUST have the same opportunities as men and that equality is our right, women are 50% of the world population!
Rose (Y4)
Pick of the Bunch
Rec - Cai
Year 1 - Alador
Year 2 - Lily
Year 3 - David
Year 4 - Dibabari
Year 5 - Elsa
Year 6 - Osanna

Hard copies of School Policies,
including Safeguarding are available from the office and can be read online.