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3rd May 2024

Dates For The Diary

Monday 6th May  


Tuesday 7th May  

Y2 Service 9:40

Y1 Art & Craft Club

KS2 Drama Club

Y5 & Y6 Musical Theatre Club

KS2 Chess Club

Wednesday 8th May  

Y4 trip to British Museum

KS1 Homework Club

Y2 Dance Club

Y3 & Y4 Football Club

Thursday 9th May  

KS1 Drama Club

KS2 Homework Club

KS2 Multi-Sports Club

Friday 10th May  

Y5 Service 10:00

KS1 Multi-Sports Club

Y3 Arts & Crafts Club

Presentation Awards

Rec      - Kyan

Year 1   - Amani

Year 2   - David

Year 3   - Tony

Year 4   - Ridwan

Year 5   - Elliot

Year 6   - Rocco

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Pick of the Bunch

Rec       - Selby

Year 1   - Andreas

Year 2   - Nyriah-Jae

Year 3   - Moizelle

Year 4   - Adesola

Year 5   - Minaal

Year 6   - Carole

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Boutcher Family

The Green Boutcher Family group won this week’s cup with 350 points. 

1st   Honesty Green  350 pts

2nd  Love Red           343 pts

3rd   Hope Yellow      318 pts

4th   Peace Blue        294 pts

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Playground Awards 

Rec       - Ariana

Year 1   - Jeremiel

Year 2   - Stephen

Year 3   - Davina

Year 5   - Osanna

Year 6   - Marc-William

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Enjoy the Bank Holiday Weekend, see you back at school Tuesday 7th May


The photographer will be coming in to school on Tuesday 7th May to take class group photo’s - please ensure your child is in full school uniform.

Topical Talk Festival 2024 – 9-11 year old category

We are incredibly proud to have been placed in such awesomely high positions - Year 6 were placed overall 3rd place in the UK and 4th in the world, Year 5 1st in the UK and 2nd in the world!! Well done to Year 5 and Year 6………………..but a very special mention to two of our year 5’s who were ranked outstandingly for the comments, and responses, on their respective articles: out of the Top 10 children in the whole world, Minaal was ranked 9th and Sofia 10th!!!  

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100% Spelling

Year 2 –   Ahmed, Alma, Jack, Nephele, Sophie, Tadeo

Year 3 – Harold, Aamira, Sara, Evangeline, Imelda, Moizelle, Chloe, Patsy, Gemini, Leo, Eleanor, Aaliyah

Year 4 – Mina, Ademola, Troy, Elsa, jayden, Mayah, Jonathan, Denilia, Akeesa, Daniel, Kimberly, hana, Yusra, Oliver, Osarugue, Ridwan, Inayah, Liam, Manhattan, Clio, Zionni 

Headteacher's Awards

Mer        Rec

Lucy      Rec

Amelia   Rec

Hard copies of School Policies,

including Safeguarding are available from the office and can be read online.

Boutcher Church of England Primary School | 93 Grange Road, London, SE1 3BW | 020 7237 2149

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