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5th July 2024

Dates For The Diary

Monday 8th July  

Last Y4 Cooking Club

Tuesday 9th July  



Wednesday 10th July  

Reception trip to London Zoo

Thursday 11th July  

Last KS1 Homework Club

Lat Y3/4 Football Club

Last Y2 Dance Club

Friday 12th July  

Last KS1 Multi Sports Club

Last Y3 Art & Craft Club

Pick of the Bunch

Rec      - Solomon

Year 1  - Judith

Year 2  - Zoya

Year 3  - Rufus

Year 4  - Betty

Year 5  - Saskia

Year 6  - Sasan

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Boutcher Family

The Yellow Boutcher Family are the overall winners this term with 961 house points!


1st   Love Red            393 pts

2nd  Peace Blue         340 pts

3rd   Hope Yellow       334 pts

4th   Honesty Green  323 pts



Sports Day is next week, Tuesday 9th July please ensure you send your child in full PE kit on the day and with extra water.  Parents are welcome to join us at Southwark Park from 1:15pm.


Open Day is on Monday 15th July - school will be closed on this day.  Please ensure you have booked your time slot.


We break up for the summer on Wednesday 24th July – children may be collected from 12:30 and MUST be collected by 1:30 at the very latest. 

100% Spelling

Year 2 – Zoya, Sophie, Jotham, Joe, Jack 

Year 3 – Aamira, Hazimah, Sara, Davina, Harsh, Evangeline, Aaliyah, Moizelle, Arielle, Gemini, Anas, Sinead, Eleanor, Chali


Year 5 – Navya, Malvika, Michael, Isabelle, Emily, Hiba, Dylan, Osanna, Sephorah, Minaal, Freya, Scarlett, Amelia, Gabriel, Bianca, Ke Ren

Presentation Awards

Rec      - Paul

Year 1  - Noah

Year 2  - Jack

Year 3  - Sara

Year 4  - Akeesa

Year 5  - Raffaella

Year 6  - Eren

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Playground Awards 

Year 1    - Sadie

Year 2    - Imogen

Year 3    - Moizelle

Year 3    - Arsema

Year 3    - Rufus

Year 3    - Harold

Year 4    - Ridwan

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Hard copies of School Policies,

including Safeguarding are available from the office and can be read online.

Boutcher Church of England Primary School | 93 Grange Road, London, SE1 3BW | 020 7237 2149

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