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8th November 2024

Dates For The Diary

​​Monday 11th November  

Swimming - Y2 

Dance club – Y2 

Cooking club – Y3


Tuesday 12th November

Service Y2 – 9:40

Citizenship training - Y6

Swimming - Y3

Drama club - KS1

Football club – Y5/6

Art & craft – Y5


Wednesday 13th November

Homework club - Y1/2 

Dance club – Y1


Thursday 14th November

School tours – 10:00 

Homework club – KS2

Multi sports – Y3/4

100% Spelling

Year 2 – Amani, Andrea, Ariam, Ava, Hasset, Mathias, Wilfred, Blythe, Chloe, Christopher, Deen, Etta, Sadie, Yusef, Ivy, Judith, Leilani, Lily, Lydia, Santiago


Year 3 – Ahmed, Jack, Joe, Nathan, Sophie, Teddy


Year 4 – Rose, Davina, Hazimah, Aamira, Imelda, Rufus, Connie, Chloe, Rufus, Dibabari, Rofiu, Evangeline


Year 5 – Kimberley, Ademola, Ekaete, Osarugue, Troy, Oliver​


Year 6 – Sofia, Minaal, Rania, Fortune, Scarlett, Ke Ren, Osanna, Howan, Daniyal, Saskia, Isabelle, Jeremy, Amelia, Navya, Dylan, Gabriel, Freya

Playground Awards 

Rec       - Vivienne

Year 1   - Aisha

Year 2   - Henry

Year 3   - Dennie

Year 4   - Gemini

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Boutcher Family

The Yellow Boutcher Family are the winners this week with 215 house points. 


1st   Hope Yellow       215 pts

2nd  Peace Blue        210 pts

3rd   Love Red          173 pts

4th   Honesty Green 168 pts

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Any siblings looking for a reception class place in September 2025, please remember to complete a supplementary information form with the office.  


​Please follow us on Instagram boutcher_ce_primary to see all the fun activities we participate in!​

KS2 Homework
comments of the week

Thank you for all the responses to our most recent question. 


What qualities do you feel are most important in a leader and why? 


Well done to Oliver in Year 5 and Chloe in Year 4 for your winning responses!


If you want to become a good leader you would have to be truthful about what you want to do and you need to set achievable goals. Also you need to be a good listener, you need to encourage people, you have to find what people are good at and give them an appropriate task that might make a positive impact. You would also have to accept when somebody beats you in a game or an election depending on what leader you are. You need to be a good listener because someone might have a better idea than you. You need to encourage people because they might do very well and they might think of good ideas if you try to make them do better things. You need to know that not everyone will like your ideas and some people might not want you to be their leader.

Oliver (Year 5)


I think a leader should show respect and set a good example to their people treat everyone fairly and with kindness. I also think they need to listen to all views even if they don’t believe in their views. A good leader should stand with pride and come with a smile.

Chloe (Year 4) 

Presentation Awards

Rec      - Ashanti

Year 1  - Kyan

Year 2  - Mathias

Year 3  - Dennie

Year 4  - Arielle

Year 5  - Ridwan

Year 6  - Sofia

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Pick of the Bunch

Rec      - Dimitris

Year 1  - Samuel

Year 2  - Elisa

Year 3  - Sophie

Year 4  - Gemini

Year 5  - Charlotte

Year 6  - Minaal

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Hard copies of School Policies,

including Safeguarding are available from the office and can be read online.

Boutcher Church of England Primary School | 93 Grange Road, London, SE1 3BW | 020 7237 2149

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