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Weekly Services 2021/22

Butterfly Day

What a wonderful day of hope! We started our new school year with this special service to share our hopes for the coming year. The children wrote prayers for themselves as individuals, for our school, the church and the world. We shared these and enjoyed praising God together. Later on, we also enjoyed magnificent performances by the choir and KS1 who entertained us with the Ugly Bug Ball.

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Click here to visit the Worship Gallery to see more photos of Butterfly Day. And visit the main Gallery here to see more photos of the Ugly Bug Ball.


We were delighted to be back at St Mary’s to celebrate this wonderful festival. We were treated to a special bug edition of the classical tale, The Enormous Turnip by Year 2. It was great to be back in the church together and give thanks to God for providing for our needs. We were overwhelmed with food donations and these were gratefully received by the Manna Centre at London Bridge, who provide food and shelter for the homeless in London. Thank you for your generosity. 

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Click here to visit the Worship Gallery to see more Harvest photos and Year 2 Harvest Drama.

Autumn Term Weekly Services 


Throughout the Autumn term we learnt more about family through looking at Jesus’ family tree. We learnt about: 

  • God as Jesus’ Father

  • The First Family – Adam and Eve 

  • Abraham’s huge family 

  • Jacob and his sons 

  • Joshua

  • John the Baptist

  • Jesus, Mary and Joseph  


Christmas Service 


We met together as a whole school to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We heard the Christmas story and sang songs of praise and worship. We were also treated to a special performance by Year 1 sharing a song that they wrote together in their RE lessons. 













Spring Term Weekly Services 


This term we are continuing with the theme of family. 


KS1 will focus on Jesus’ chosen family - the 12 disciples. They will learn from these services the way they helped Jesus and their special relationship with him. They will also reflect on their own relationships and families. 


KS2 will be learning more about family through looking into Jesus’ relationships whilst he was on earth. We will find out about those who he chose to become part of him family and the love he had for all people. We will reflect on our own relationships and consider what qualities and characteristics we want those in our families to have. 


Summer Term Weekly Services


Throughout the Summer term we will learn about those who are part of Jesus’ family today or were in more recent years. We will be learning more about the characteristics and qualities of those in God’s family.  A list of the service dates and themes are below. 


We are delighted that we can welcome all parents back to our service, we look forward to seeing you. 


KS1 Services 


Services start at 9:30. All are welcome. The class listed next to the date will be leading service on that day.  


Tuesday 3rd May – Year 1 – Rev. Charlie Moore 


Tuesday 10th May – Year 2 – Mary Slessor 


Tuesday 17th May  – Reception  – Desmond Tutu 


Tuesday 24th May  – Year 1 – Queen Elizabeth II


Tuesday 14th June – Teacher Led – recap those who have been taught already


Tuesday 21st June – Year 2 – Courtenay and Adam Webster 


Tuesday 28th June  – Teacher Led  – Bishop Karowei  


Tuesday 5th  July – Reception – Paul and Denise Brown



KS2 Services 


Services start at 10am. All are welcome. The class listed next to the date will be leading service on that day.  


Friday 6th May – Year 6 – Rev. Charlie Moore 


Friday 13th May – Year 5 – Mary Slessor 


Friday 20th May – Year 4 – Bishop Karowei 


Friday 10th June – Year 3 – Queen Elizabeth II


Friday 17th June – SPORT’S DAY - NO SERVICE 


Friday 24th June – Year 5 – Courtenay and Adam Webster 


Friday 1st July – Year 6 – Desmond Tutu 


Friday 8th July – Year 4 – Paul and Denise Brown 



Whole School Services 

Friday 22nd April 2022 – 150th Anniversary Opening Service 

Thursday 21st July 2022 – Closing Service and End of Year Service

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Boutcher Church of England Primary School | 93 Grange Road, London, SE1 3BW | 020 7237 2149

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