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28th February 2025

Dates For The Diary

Monday 3rd March

Y5 Open Day

Art & craft club – Y1


Tuesday 4th March

Drama club - KS1 

Cooking club – Y6

Dodgeball club – Y4/5/6


Wednesday 5th March

Rec Open Day    

Admission to Holy Communion 3:30 – 4:30

Homework club – Y1/2 & KS2

Dance club – Y3


Thursday 6th March

Y4 & Y6 Royal Festival Hall – Philharmonic Orchestra 

Dance club – Y2

Bible studies club – Y3/4

Football club – Y2/3/4 


Friday 7th March

Y5 service – 10:00

Playground Awards 

Rec      - Grace

Year 1  - Kian

Year 2  - Yusef

Year 3  - Josie

Year 4  - Harold

Year 5  - Clio

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Boutcher Family

The Green Boutcher Family are the winners this week with 181 house points. 


1st   Honesty Green 181 pts

2nd  Love Red          161 pts

3rd   Peace Blue       150 pts

4th   Hope Yellow      121 pts

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Presentation Awards

Rec      - Penelope

Year 1  - Samuel

Year 2  - Deen

Year 3  - Zoya

Year 4  - Aamira

Year 5  - Jayden

Year 6  - Rania

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Pick of the Bunch

Rec      - Daphne

Year 1  - Olive

Year 2  - Etta

Year 3  - Josie

Year 4  - Connie

Year 5  - Oliver

Year 6  - Eliza

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100% Spelling

​Year 2 – Lily, Etta, Lydia, Ivy, Chloe, Andreas, Mathias, Blythe, Christopher, Deen, Santiago, Judith, Harri, Hasset, Leilani


​Year 4 – Rose, Davina, Rofiu, Rufus, Eleanor, Imelda, Harsh, Gemini, Aamira


​Year 5 – Liam, Oliver, Charlotte


​Year 6 – Hiba, Isabelle, Emily, Howan, Scarlett, Ke-Ren, Michael, Osanna, Navya, Ethan, Daniyal, Samson, Raffaella, Hannah, Elizabeth, Ezekiel, Eliza, Minaal, Gabriel, Sephorah, Leah, Fortune


We are celebrating World Book Day (letter to follow) but please put Friday 7th March in your diary for the Boutcher World Book Day Big Breakfast when you can join your child in the school hall from 8:15 to 8:45 to share a book, with breakfast on us!  Children MUST be accompanied by their parent/carer to participate in the breakfast.


Upcoming Open Days are as follows:

Y5    - Monday 3rd March

Rec  - Wednesday 5th March


Please ensure that you have booked an appointment with your child’s teacher via the office and please also note that school will be OPEN on these days so your child will NOT be attending the appointment with you.  Thank you.


​​Please follow us on Instagram boutcher_ce_primary to see all the fun activities we participate in!​

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KS2 Homework
comments of the week

Thank you for all the responses to last week’s question. 


Which period of history do you find most fascinating and why? Are there any artefacts or treasures that have been discovered that you have found particularly interesting or impressive? 


Well done to Betty and Elsa in Year 5 for your winning responses!


The most interesting part of history for me is the Victorian period because I find it very fascinating how things have changed over the years like at school today, we have smart white boards, books, plastic whiteboards, whiteboard pens, clocks, we have school meals that will make us full up and girls and boys can be in the same classroom. In the Victorian era, boys and girls couldn’t be in the same classroom. They used chalk on their whiteboards, they used rags to wipe it off and the teachers were very strict. They also had a dunce hat (when someone is bad they stand in the corner with the hat on and everyone laughs at them). It is very interesting because we can explore the different things and stories that happened in the Victorian period like there was a very bad disease and lots of people died. One last fact is that the classrooms were very small so they had to get different people with different ages in a classroom to teach them and in one class there were about 100 children.

Betty (Year 5)


I think the Egyptian period is the most fascinating because they were very clever especially when it came to burying pharaohs. They would bury them inside the pyramids and create fake chambers so if you thought you had found a pharaohs burial chamber it was usually empty. They also used to draw on the walls to show how they made things like wine. Near the pyramids there is a burial sight for those who died during the making of the pyramids and you can even still find their skeletons in perfect condition.

Elsa (Year 5) 

Hard copies of School Policies,

including Safeguarding are available from the office and can be read online.

Boutcher Church of England Primary School | 93 Grange Road, London, SE1 3BW | 020 7237 2149

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