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​Long hair should be tied back with blue, black or white hair ties.


We welcome parents’ and carers’ support in ensuring that hair styles are suitable for school.



​Earrings should be studs or small sleepers.


No chains, bracelets, rings or watches. 



Black or navy shoes (no trainers) or ankle boots (no knee length boots


For health and safety reasons all shoes must have low heels and soles (approx. 2cm high) and summer sandals must not be sling backs.


PE Kit (for all children)

Plain white T-Shirt (no logo).


Plain navy blue shorts or track suit trousers/jogging bottoms (no logo).


Plain black or white trainers or plimsolls.


Hair should be tied back with blue, black or white hair ties.




​Plain navy blue pullover or cardigan (no hooded tops or jogging suit tops). 


School navy blue sweatshirts with logo or school navy blue fleece with logo. 


Light blue blouse or light blue roll neck. 


Plain navy blue or dark grey skirt or dark grey or navy trousers (no leggings, jogging bottoms, cords or jeans).


White or navy socks or tights. 



​Light blue checked dress.


Plain grey shorts.


School polo shirt with logo or plain light blue shirt.



​Plain navy blue pullover or cardigan (no hooded tops or jogging suit tops). 


School navy blue sweatshirts with logo, or school navy blue fleece with logo. 


Light blue shirt or polo shirt.


Dark grey trousers (no jogging bottoms, cords or jeans).


Grey socks. 



​Plain grey shorts.


Plain light blue shirt or school polo shirt with logo.


All articles, especially clothing MUST BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE CHILD'S NAME. 


It is easy to return articles which have been found if they have a name on them.


Whilst every care is taken, the school accepts no liability for loss or damage to uniform or personal items worn or brought into school. 

Boutcher Church of England Primary School | 93 Grange Road, London, SE1 3BW | 020 7237 2149

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