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Miss Simmons
assisted by Cathy & Jemma


Click here for Year 5 overview


  • Reading records and reading books must be in school every day. 

  • Bring a water bottle to school each day.

  • P.E will be on Tuesdays, please wear your P.E kit to school on this day. 

  • Our library session is on a Thursday so please have your library book in school to renew or change. 

  • Homework is set and due each Wednesday, click Home Learning for more information 


Please support your children to keep their times tables knowledge running smoothly!  We rely more and more on quick recall of mental maths facts to underpin our learning. Time spent practising on Times Tables Rock Stars forms part of their weekly homework. 











Please find the Maths Methods Handbook here



We have started the term reading ‘The Lizzie and Belle Mysteries by J.T Williams’ After half-term, we will change to a non-fiction text and read The Race to Space by Clive Gifford’ which links perfectly with our science topic of Earth and Space. 



The first RE topic for this term, answers the question: How Has The Christian Message Survived For Over 2000 Years? This question will be broken down into weekly lessons, and will cover the Ascension, Pentecost, The Trinity and how Confirmation contributes to the spread of the Christian message.  


Our first PSHE topic is Being Me in My World. In this unit, children think about understanding their identity and how they fit well in the class, school and global community. It will be split into the following lessons: â€‹



The first science topic is Properties and Changes of Materials. Throughout this topic, children will compare and test materials according to their properties, for example, they will test materials to see which conduct electricity best as well as investigate materials to see whether they dissolve. 


After half-term we will be learning about Earth and Space. We will begin looking at evidence for why the earth and planets are approximately spherical and will also cover the movement of Earth and other planets in relation to the sun, and the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night. 



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Year Five are very much looking forward to starting Topical Talk lessons where they will explore current stories in the headlines whilst fostering progress in listening, speaking, problem-solving and creativity skills. 


We will be learning about the Victorians through this we will gain an overview of the significance of the Victorian period within the wider narrative of British history. We will make comparisons to everyday life during this period in time with modern British lifestyles. We will also consider some of the major changes and their effects during this period, for example the industrial revolution and the railway. We will also make links with the local area so children have an understanding of Bermondsey during this period in history. 


We will learn about the work of the Victorian designer, William Morris and will be working with local artist, Ed Gray on an exciting project. 



Click here for Year 5 book list


We will begin the year with the book ‘The Lizzie and Belle Mysteries – Drama and Danger by J.T Williams’ which is a story of friendship, freedom and a race against time to solve mystery before danger strikes again. During this unit, children will apply punctuation and grammar skills within a letter, a diary entry, character descriptions and a newspaper report. 

Boutcher Church of England Primary School | 93 Grange Road, London, SE1 3BW | 020 7237 2149

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