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Mr Jenkins
assisted by Bev & Nikki


Click here for Year 2 overview



Your child’s homework is set on a Wednesday afternoon on Google Classroom and needs to be uploaded by the following Wednesday morning (before 9am)

Weekly homework will be spelling based and 1 or 2 tasks set relating to the spelling words set. 

In terms of the spelling homework, please assist your child with this valuable part of their learning by ensuring they complete all homework to the best of their ability and provide them with support when necessary. 

The spelling words should be revisited throughout the week to ensure your child can remember to spell them for their test on Wednesdays. You will receive your child’s spelling result in their reading record each week (these need to be in school every day). 

Children will be expected to complete Maths homework using NumBots. They should be spending at least 5 minutes on it every weekday. All children need to have completed a total of 25 minutes, which will be checked every Monday. It is very important that children use NumBots little and often rather than all at once. Repeated practice is vital to commit new knowledge to long term memory. 


 This term, we will be learning about Animals including Humans. This will build on from children’s learning in Year 1 and children will look at how young animals and humans compare to adults and how they change as they grow.  Children are introduced to the three basic needs of animals for survival (water, food and air). Children look at healthy lifestyles, including the importance of exercise, healthy eating and hygiene.



A child’s book bag with their reading pack (with reading record and reading book inside) are considered to be school uniform and must be in school each day.  Water bottles should be brought into class with your child’s name on. 


Please ensure all items of your child’s uniform and PE kit are clearly labelled with their name to ensure they can be easily recovered if lost and minimise the cost of replacement. 


Swimming will take place on Mondays. Children need to come to school dressed in their school uniform and bring in a bag with their swimming costume/trunks, goggles, towel and a swimming hat. Swimming and water safety are statutory element of the National Curriculum for PE in England. 


PE will take place on Wednesdays. Children can come to school dressed in their PE kit and should not bring their school uniform on this day. 


Please ensure your child is wearing correct school uniform and following the guidelines for hair bow/band colours etc. 


 Throughout the year, children in Year Two will develop mental and written methods in all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and will have opportunities to apply these skills to puzzles and mathematical problems and investigations. 


This term we will begin with number, counting and place value. We will be focussing on:

  • Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, in ones, beginning with 0 or 1 or from any given number 

  • Count forwards and backwards in steps of 2, 5 and 10 to the 12th multiple 

  • Read and write numbers in numerals to 100 

  • Read and write numbers in words beyond 20 and match to the numerals 

  • Given a number, begin to identify ten more and ten less within 100 using structured apparatus (such as a 100 square) and number lines 

  • Order and compare numbers from 0 to 100 

  • Partition a two-digit number into tens and ones to demonstrate an understanding of place value, using structured resources 


We will be developing our reasoning skills by tackling word problems and practical problems that involve counting in twos, fives and tens.


Click here for Maths Methods Handbook


Our RE focus this term is Why did Jesus teach the Lord’s prayer as the way to pray? We will look at the themes within the Lord’s prayer.



Our topic this term is Geography based, ‘Our wonderful world’. We will be developing our atlas and map skills.



 Your child will be given a staged/phase book that will be taken home with them. There is no set day for changing books as children will be read to at different points in the week.  To facilitate this, please ensure your child’s reading pack (with their book and reading record inside) is in their book bag every day. It is very important to hear your child read out loud each day and ask them questions about what they have read to check their understanding and develop their comprehension skills (see questions inside their Reading Record).

Their school reading book can be read more than once to ensure they not only read the words but most importantly, understand what it is about. Please remember to record the date and page number along with your signature. This helps us monitor your child’s progress. 

In Key Stage One, we expect a minimum of 3 signatures a week as well as at least one written comment using the KS1 reading comprehension skills sheet that is in the front of your child’s reading record. Your child’s reading record should be used to help create a positive picture of the reading environment established at home.  If you read other stories, please feel free to write them in your child’s reading record too.  We strongly encourage children to read other books from home or the library in addition to the stage/phase book sent home from school.

As well as one-to-one reading, shared reading will take place in school, where children have opportunities to answer questions and discuss the texts with their peers. Children will also complete reading comprehension tasks in class.

At Boutcher, we promote a reading for pleasure environment and ensure that children have opportunities to choose texts more freely. Your child will spend time in our class reading corner and also have a weekly visit to the school library. Our library visit will take place on Wednesdays, so please ensure that, if your child borrows a library book, they have it in school on this day to be returned so that another book can be chosen to take home and enjoy. It is important to return books because we have spent thousands of pounds on resources for our library and every book that is not returned needs money to be replaced. Funding is very tight and books not being returned will have an impact on how our library is used.



We will continue a book-based approach to the teaching of our English. Across the school, we have found that using a text as a stimulus for their writing brings much enthusiasm and gives them a purpose to what they write. Children will have a range of writing tasks both fiction and non-fiction. They will write in role of characters, write letters and diary entries, they will have opportunities to write stories, newspaper articles and non-chronological reports. In all lessons, children will be learning or consolidating skills in phonics, grammar, punctuation, reading and handwriting. For the first half term we will be reading the book Ocean meets Sky. It centres around a boy and his grandfather and the stories they read together and in particular a magical place where ocean meets sky.



At Boutcher School, we teach Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) and relationships as a whole-school approach to underpin children’s development as people and because we believe that this also supports their learning capacity. We use the Jigsaw Programme which offers us a comprehensive, carefully thought-through Scheme of Work which brings consistency and progression to our children’s learning in this vital curriculum area. 


Autumn 1: Being Me in My World. 

Autumn 2: Celebrating difference


Click here for Year 2 book list

Boutcher Church of England Primary School | 93 Grange Road, London, SE1 3BW | 020 7237 2149

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