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Mr Avis, Miss Claire
assisted by
Erica & Rosemary




  • Reading record entries

  • SPaG 

  • Spellings

  • Numbots / TTRS


Reading record entries

The most important thing every Year 3 must make sure they do is read to an adult every night for 15 minutes. You need to be able to read well in order to succeed in all subjects we study at school - there's even a lot of reading in maths. Discuss your reading book using the comprehension skills questions in your reading record. Reading records should be brought to school every day. Written entries should be made at least three times a week.



Your child will complete pages in their own SPaG CGP book each week.  



Homework is set on Google Classroom on Wednesdays and should be completed in your homework book, which stays at home. A photo of the spelling tasks must be uploaded by the following Wednesday morning. The spellings words must be learnt for the tests that take place each Wednesday. 


Numbots / TTRS

Every child should commit at least 25 minutes a week to Numbots or TTRS (if they’ve completed Numbots with 3 stars on each level). Children will learn faster if they do 5 minutes a day – rather than 25 minutes once a week.  

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times tables rockstars.png


Year 3 have PE on Mondays and must arrive to school in their kits. They have swimming on Tuesdays and must bring their swimming kits in.


  • Book bags with reading records and reading books must be in school each day. Reading records should have at least three entries a week, one of which should be a written response to a question from the front of the reading record. 

  • Water bottles may be brought into school each day.

  • Homework is set on a Wednesday and must be uploaded on Google Classroom by the following Wednesday.

  • Spelling tests will take place each Wednesday and results recorded in reading records. 

  • Our library session is on a Friday so please have your library book in school to renew or change. 

  • On Mondays children attend school in their PE kit.

  • On Tuesdays children must remember their swimming kits. 


  • At Boutcher, everyone has the right to:

  • feel safe 

  • be respected

  • learn


We'll be reading and discussing Roald Dahl's The Twits this term, learning new vocabulary, sequencing its events, looking at its features, making predictions and making inferences. 



Stone Age Boy will be the inspiration for our writing. Through this text, we'll learn a range of spelling, grammar and punctuation skills that will be applied to a range written work.



Click here for Year 3 book list


Our first topic will involve learning about rocks. We’ll be comparing and grouping together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. We’ll be describing in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock. Also, we’ll learn that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. 


The question we’ll be answering this term will be: What is the ‘Big Story’ of the Bible and what does it reveal about having faith in God? We’ll learn about how the ‘Big Story’ is really about God’s relationship with the people He made. The class will delve deeper into what this means and the implications this has for faith in God.


During this half-term, we’ll be looking at number and place value then moving onto calculations involving addition and subtraction. If your child doesn’t already know how to tell the time with an analogue clock, please keep practising with them. All children are expected to be able to tell the time by the end of Year 2.

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In history, we’ll be learning about the developments in lifestyle, culture, religion and technology from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.

Boutcher Church of England Primary School | 93 Grange Road, London, SE1 3BW | 020 7237 2149

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