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Miss Clifford, Mrs Verhoeven
& Mrs Whitten

assisted by Natalie & Sophie


Click here for Year 6 overview


  • Reading records, pink homework book and maths workbooks must be in school every day. 

  • Bring a water bottle to school each day 

  • PE will be on a Friday and you are to come to school wearing your kit. 

  • Our library session is on a Friday so please have your library book in school to renew or change. 


Daily and Weekly homework is set. Please see the expectation for Year Six on the

Home Learning page for more information.​


Our first writing stimulus will be a video advertisement created by the Guardian newspaper, which won the Cannes-Lion award upon its release. We will explore bias, objectivity and justice as we unpick the different voices and perspectives which make up the well-known story. The advert will open up plenty of opportunities for debate and children will understand the importance of considering all sides of a story before jumping to conclusions.  There will be a range of writing tasks both fiction and non-fiction, including writing letters, diary entries, stories, newspaper articles and speeches. 



We will be studying two texts in the Autumn term. Through these texts we will develop key reading comprehension skills. 


Incredible Journeys by Levison Wood will take the children on a journey around the world, discovering the most daring pioneers. 


Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho Yen is a narrative that explores friendship, loyalty and bravery through the voice of a lonely boy struggling to make sense of all that is going on around him. 

reading 1.png
reading 2.png


Children will continue to have weekly Topical Talk lessons, discussing big issues in the news. These lessons offer opportunities to develop your critical thinking and communication skills and apply these to complex real-world issues. 

topical talk.png


This term our topic will be Islamic Civilisation. We will be learning about this the development of the great Islamic city of Baghdad including trading practices and everyday life, comparing it with contemporary cities in Western Europe.  We will learn about the spread of Islam through the Middle East and beyond. 



Click here for Year 6 book list


Year Six will be leading service on:

  • Friday 27th September 2024 – Creation

  • Friday 18th October 2024 – Abraham and Isaac  

  • Friday 15th November 2024 – Daniel and the Lions’ Den 


Educational Visits: 

  • Wednesday 18th September 2024 – Tower of London 

  • Tuesday 8th October 2024 – Royal Opera House to watch Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland 

  • Wednesday 9th October 2024 – British Museum 

  • Tuesday 12th November 2024 – Citizenship Training 

  • ​


At Boutcher, we follow the ‘Real PE’ approach. Real PE is a unique, child-centred approach that engages and challenges children in their PE lessons. It focuses on the development of agility, balance and coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning. Real PE focuses on six key cogs, these are: Creative, Cognitive, Health and Fitness, Personal, Physical and Social.

In the autumn term, we will be working through the ‘Personal’ cog in our weekly PE lessons.


Our PE day is: Friday


On this day, children should come to school wearing PE kit and do not need school uniform.


PE kit is as follows:

-plain white t-shirt or polo top

-navy blue jogging bottoms, leggings or shorts (no logos)

-school navy blue jumper or cardigan

-suitable trainers for PE


We will continue to develop our mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills in our lessons.  We will start the term studying numbers to 10 million and then move on to the four operations on whole numbers. 


Click here for Maths Methods Handbook


In RE lessons we will be trying to answer the question, how can people of faith serve God and bring freedom and justice to others? Through this, we will explore the dangers of injustice and racism and seek to understand how embracing diversity can help bring about freedom and justice.



This term, we will be learning about light. We will learn about how we see shadows, reflection and refraction. We will learn how light travels and how it enables us to see. Through this topic we will work scientifically and carry out investigations. 


Boutcher Church of England Primary School | 93 Grange Road, London, SE1 3BW | 020 7237 2149

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